2020 Review: Digest in 3, 2, 1

As 2020 comes to a close, our team is celebrating the impact we have generated together this year. In this month’s Last Mile Dispatch, we are sharing our most telling impact, biggest updates, and most impactful story of 2020.
The 3 most telling DATA POINTS:
Distributed 3,700 loans in northern Uganda- In 2020, our team successfully connected 3,700 Ugandan farmers with the necessary tools to grow their income and propel their families forward.
Impacted over 18,500 Ugandan lives- By reaching 3,700 households in northern Uganda, Cycle Connect was able to impact over 18,500 Ugandan lives–connecting these individuals with access to critical resources and economic opportunities.
Reached over 1,000 families through our COVID-19 response- The pandemic presented new challenges for the farmers we partner with in northern Uganda. The support of our global community through the pandemic enabled our team to build resilience among 1,000 rural households in Uganda through delivery of critical resources.
The 2 biggest UPDATES:
Involving Community Agents in our operations to further engage and create opportunity for our region- Our community has always been an integral part of our work at Cycle Connect. In 2020, we made the decision to further engage members through the introduction of agents.
Transitioning our impact monitoring from research to ingrained in our operations- Our team is currently developing a new M&E strategy to ensure that impact data is being collected through our existing operations. This change will allow our team to gain new insights about the impact of our products in northern Uganda and better serve our clients in 2021.
The #1 most impactful STORY:
In 2019, Opio Denish, a smallholder farmer in northern Uganda, was introduced to Cycle Connect when one of our loan officers spoke to his community savings group. Hearing how a bicycle could transform the way him and his family moved around, Opio knew he needed to invest in one. By making the decision to invest in a bicycle from Cycle Connect, Opio has been able to save time accessing his farm, carry more crops to the market after harvest, access water faster and carry more of it, and connect to healthcare and education for his family.
The bicycle transformed the life of Opio and his family. And, Opio says he was able to pay off the loan without any challenge because the bicycle enabled him to increase his profits. After experiencing the benefits of the bicycle, Opio decided to further invest with Cycle Connect and signed up for an oxen and plow loan in 2020.
Before receiving oxen and plow on loan, Opio and his wife were only cultivating two acres. With the oxen and plow, they are able to cultivate seven acres and greatly increase their harvest. For Opio’s family this translates to additional income to put towards education, healthcare, and an ability to further invest in their land.
Having the access to continuously invest in transformational tools for his family, Opio is able to bring his family closer to their dreams.
We’re committed to helping more families, just like Opio’s. Donate today to join our journey in 2021; every $100 enables our team to reach one family in northern Uganda.