1,422 Phone Calls
During our early response efforts, we interviewed 1,422 clients on the phone. In these interviews, they informed us about their challenges and their needs. This is data that we will use over the next weeks to find good solutions to help our clients through this challenging time.
82 Community Leaders
We partnered with the government: we received clearance to operate as an essential service. Our team talked to 82 community leaders in all the areas our clients live and work. This allowed us to inform them about our plan and to hear their ideas to work together.
We are working closely with the District Health Officers as well as the district task force to understand how we can continue to partner and offer support where needed.
61 Conversations
We spoke to 61 health centers in Gulu and Lira district. Most of them listed transportation as the #1 issue. As a result, we decided to donate bicycles so that healthcare workers can use them to reach work and treat patients:
100 Bicycles
Cycle Connect has donated over 100 bicycles to health centers throughout Northern Uganda which will greatly improve the circumstances of health workers and patients who no longer can reach the clinics. 7 of those bicycles were to our partner, St. Philips clinic, who is also supporting our team in providing us with the most up to date healthcare information pertaining to COVID-19.
2 More Bicycles
Our team also donated 2 bicycles to Read for Life, the educational program that makes sure our children can keep on learning while at home.
Instead of waiting this out Cycle Connect is operating at full speed and focused on solutions and opportunities.